
Selling Your House Without An Agent in Hawaii

We live in a world where everyone does everything without expensive expert service providers. People trade stocks without a stockbroker. People create wills and trusts without attorneys. Many even remodel homes without contractors. As independent as everyone is, why wouldn’t you want to look at the benefits of selling your house without an agent in … Continued

Will Selling Cost You Money in Honolulu?

Will selling cost you money? Many people list their house, not taking into account what it will actually cost them. There are fees and expenses you should be aware of before you list with an agent. In our latest post, we will let you know what costs to expect when selling a home in Honolulu!  … Continued

4 Ways To Attract Home Buyers in Honolulu

As the saying goes, “there is more than one way to skin a cat.” The saying is truer when it comes to selling your home than skinning cats since we don’t advocate doing that. Home buyers in Honolulu have different needs; preparing your sales strategy accordingly helps increase home showings and makes for faster sales. Here … Continued

Prepare to Sell My House Quick In Honolulu

There are many reasons you might want to sell your home quickly: relocations, financial hardships or even medical issues. It really doesn’t matter what the reason is for you, but understand that buyers may try to jump on your motivated seller status if you don’t position your property right. Here are the best preparations to selling your … Continued